Thursday, May 21, 2009

Be the Ideal Mother

A child is carried in a mother's womb for 9 months before he/she is blessed with the light of the world. To every child his/her mother is the most perfect creature on earth, the loveliest and the most infallible.

It is not al all easy to be a role model mother. There are no hard and fast written rules to be the ideal mother or the ideal parent. The most important tip would be to understand the responsibility of instilling the best values in her child's mind and bring the child up to be a confident, happy and good human being.

An ideal mother is one who inculcates the best of family values in her children. She also has tons of patience to put up with the childish tantrums and makes the child feel satisfied and happy without being over-indulgent. She is usually a mixture of the toughness of granite and softness of blossoms, the sharpness of razor and the coolness of mountain streams, the calmness of still water and the purity of untrodden snow. She is the child's best friend. She is there for the child through every thick and thin. In one word, she is the light of her child's life. All mothers should aspire to be the role model mother to your child.

Source: Mothers Day